Lake Macquarie Music Society is very excited to be presenting the first concert of 2019 at Adamstown Uniting Church, on Sunday 10 March 2019 at 2pm.
It features outstanding performers from the 2018 Lake Macquarie Eisteddfod, the region’s largest & most prestigious annual event.
Tickets $20 / $15 conc. at the door or contact Mercia Buck.
Soprano Sarah Dockrill
Sarah was the winner of the Michael Saunders $1,000 Aria Prize, the winner of The Lauris Elms Award of $500 for Art Song, and runner-up in the Warners Bay Lions Club Song from Stage & Screen. Her average mark in all her performances was a whopping 95%! She has a Bachelor of Music from the University of NSW, and her AMUSA. As a member of the Sydney Philharmonia Choirs and VOX choir she performed regularly with the Sydney Symphony Orchestra. She has appeared as guest artist with the Newcastle Youth Orchestra & was a featured artist in Sally Walker’s Twilight Musical Dialogues. Sarah currently teaches voice at Hunter Valley Grammar School. Sarah will be accompanied by the exceptional Michael Power.
Pianist Ricky Park
Ricky Park was the winner of the Marjorie Lambert Memorial Piano Prize of $1,000 with a mark of 98%!! He achieved a perfect score in his HSC Music Extension course & has his A. Mus. A. His playing in all styles is masterful, exciting and always entertaining.
Soprano Tashana Hardy
Tashana won the Song from Stage & Screen with a 95% mark. Her three songs over the competition showed a masterly understanding of Music Theatre styles from many eras, with a breathtaking acting ability. She was runner-up in the Michael Saunders Aria Prize, and winner of the Popular Song & Jazz sections, showing her enviable versatility. Tashana is a graduate student of Susan Hart, and was a participant in the Education Department’s Talent Development Program. She will play Mabel in Opera Hunter’s production of The Pirates of Penzance in July/August this year at Warners Bay.
There are many other wonderful artists to entertain you in this concert including Young Virtuoso Pianist Mia Chao, Cellist Tobias Reimann, & The Newcastle Grammar School Piano Trio- Eva Reimann, Jackson Boden & Tobias Reimann.
Soprano Galatea Kneath
Galatea was again the Champion of her age group- now 18 years. She achieved a perfect score in her HSC Music 2 level, gained an A+ in the Certificate of Performance in 2018, and was one of 3 in Australia awarded an Opera Australia Regional Scholarship Training program in Sydney. She will begin her Bachelor of Music Studies at the Sydney Conservatorium this year. She is a student of Annabella Redman.