The 2022 Speech & Drama Eisteddfod returns on Saturday 6th August and Sunday 7th August at a new venue: Rathmines Theatre, Stilling Street, Rathmines.
We anticipate strong interest from teachers and practitioners after the long break. Eisteddfods are a great way for our younger generation to gain experience in performing at a high level, in front of a crowd and in a competition setting.
The very young (4 years old) to older teenagers and adults will entertain with their interpretations of humour, tragedy, storytelling, mime, public speaking, and more. They will improvise in groups, give impromptu speeches, dress in costume to present characters and compete for championships.
The sessions are open to the public and cost $5 to attend. The Rathmines Theatre is in a lovely setting right on the shores of Lake Macquarie. Enjoy a very entertaining event & visit a well-appointed new performing arts facility.
Performance Dates: Saturday 6th & Sunday 7th August 2022
Location: Rathmines Theatre, 3 Stilling St Rathmines.
Adjudicator: Kristie Thorne
Convenor: IshbelBeadle
Featuring a $500 prize for the most outstanding student. $400 in other prize money.
Entries are now OPEN! Enter online through Stardom. Entries for the Speech and Drama Division close 9th July 2022
2022 Speech & Drama Syllabus
Read the competition rules and conditions of entry as well as the syllabus for all ages
2022 Championship Pieces
Download the Set Pieces for the 2020 Championship